After she was dramatically kicked off CNN for criticising Jake Tapper, Karoline Leavitt slammed the network for their biased coverage. Shortly after the contentious interview, she sat down with a more sympathetic reporter to recount the event. Online commenters offered their condolences and support for the courageous press secretary.
“Joining us now, Caroline Levitt, fresh from the CNN studios, which must be on fire now, after you just left them in flames, or I guess they left you. I’ve never seen anything like it,” the interviewer began. “So, just a really quick sort of setting of the table here as to what just happened to you seconds ago on CNN. You were on a CNN morning show with Casey Hunt.”
You were able to answer a single question, and based on our watching of it, you just very lightly criticize the fact that Jake Tapper has been and has had full-blown Trump derangement syndrome for a very long time, something that is empirical, and then they did this to you,” he concluded before turning to Karoline Leavitt for her response.
“I still can’t believe this happened. Man, it is really shocking just how triggering the truth is to CNN. And that’s all I was doing, was pointing out the fact that President Trump is bold to go on a three on one fight on a network that is clearly hostile to him,” she said. “Let’s stop pretending like CNN is still the most trusted name in news. They are not. And I pointed out statements that Jake Tapper himself has made.”
“Oh no! I had to mute the clip. I cannot stand to hear that condescending, arrogant, pathetic punk Kassie Hunt even one more time! Rude, unprofessional, ludicrous. What is she, 12? Even a middleschooler is capable of more maturity & respect than that horrid excuse for a host!” one user reacted. ” Another pointed out, “But, there is no bias towards Biden, actually I think it’s TDS.”
“They want you there to create a perception. They did!. You wanted an audience with their viewers. Don’t tell them your honest strategy they aren’t worth it. TDS is a feelings thing that can not be broken with logic. Only how bad they are going to feel when XYZ
happens,” another viewer said. “Can you imagine if it was KJP that an interviewer cut off? And CNN wonders why their ratings have plummeted,” one account suggested.
Many were quick to point out the network’s falling ratings. “People be sure you find another channel to watch the debate! Don’t give cnn high ratings! Hopefully they will go under soon! All of their peons will spend the rest of their miserable lives unemployed!” one commenter said. Another pointed out the dishonest framing by saying, “You are welcome to come back if you say what we want you to say. Journalism is dead.”
“Wow! Just catching this for the first time. I can’t wait for the day we have real truthful mainstream media. If that’s even possible. We the people are the news now is so true [ in the] current day,” another replied. One account said that, “Dems and libs are only tolerant of those who agree with them wholeheartedly. They don’t like counter opinions. Way to go Karoline!”
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Source:FB page-Gen Z Conservative