I have never been a bug lover. In actuality, I believe the most of us can agree that while certain insects are fascinating and beautiful, others may be quite frightening. And then there are those that are just plain hazardous, sometimes even to our animals in addition to our plants and crops. Usually, I just let insects go when I see them. Since it’s not what I do for a living, I never purposefully harm any live creature. However, when it comes to the lanternfly, or Lycorma delicatula, things become extremely different.
There are insects such as the lanternfly. If you see it, you might want to get rid of it immediately. And believe me, I have seen these bugs in my backyard myself. Huddled together on my favorite maple tree, they were almost gorgeous with their strange and vivid wings. However, these insects may wreak damage despite their innocent appearance.
Author: awestories24.com