Observing hundreds of very identical suitcases pass by on a conveyor belt can be rather frustrating, especially if you’ve ever spent any time at all at an airport walking through the luggage carousel in search of your most valuable possessions.
An airport worker is warning travelers that using personal identifiers means carrying luggage that cannot be unloaded, despite ingenious travelers discovering that tying a ribbon to their bags makes them stand out from the crowd.
Continue reading to find out why using ribbons or marzipan when traveling is never a good idea!
The thought of losing their bags while traveling can terrify even the most experienced travelers.
Travelers are making sure their suitcases stand out from the rest by putting vivid ribbons on them, making it less likely that their luggage will be snatched by another passenger or that they will have to watch it slowly spin by on the conveyor belt.

But according to John, a baggage handler at Dublin Airport, these popular advice are actually more harmful than helpful.
It can even make your worst dread of traveling come true.
Leave the ribbon at home.
According to John’s remarks on RSVP Live, tagging identification ribbons on your luggage may cause delays, causing your belongings to miss the flight.
Author: awestories24.com