While some wondered why such strange timing was involved, others boldly declared that the incident amounted to “murder.” “Mike Lynch’s yacht sinking has sparked serious suspicions, especially in light of the crucial role his company played in the 9/11 investigations,” the source said. Just now, his body was discovered. Was it a serendipitous accident or something more sinister? What is your emotional state?
To add even more mystery to the mystery, someone else observed, “Just to be clear. Strange events are currently causing the deaths of everyone connected to Mike Lynch. The internet is flooded with questions, many of them asking if this was just a freak accident or if there were other, darker forces at play.

A few days earlier, Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, related her version of events from the day the Bayesian superyacht sank. She was still in disbelief and recovering from the horrific mishap. She revealed the heartbreaking reality at the time, while she waited for word on the location of her husband and their eighteen-year-old daughter, Hannah Lynch.
Now in a wheelchair, Bacares related how she and Lynch were awakened by an unpleasant shift aboard the sinking $18 million (£14 million) vessel, and how they had to flee on broken glass.
According to La Repubblica, an Italian news outlet, she claimed to have felt a “slight tilt” shortly before chaos started, waking them up at 4 a.m. on Monday, August 19.
Initially, neither Bacares nor Lynch experienced worry or terror. But as she awoke from her sleep to glance around, the sound of breaking glass surprised her and changed her mood.
About an hour after Bacares and Lynch had woken up (5 am local time), the mast gave way and the superyacht fell 160 feet off the coast of Sicily.
During an interview with an alternative newspaper, Bacares talked about how “everything was falling” in her life. Her fear was only heightened at that very moment by the fact that she claimed she was nearly “carried away” before managing to flee to safety.
A third report claims that after her narrow escape, Bacares and the other boat accident survivors had been receiving support from a group of psychiatrists from the Palermo Health Authority and civil protection.
There will be lodging available for the surviving at the Domina Zagarella Hotel. After receiving medical care at a hospital in Termini, Imerese, Bacares was brought to the hotel.
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