Sens’ photo is particularly impressive because of the exact positioning that creates the illusion and the convergence of two heavenly bodies. The moon appears to be perched just above the statue, whose outstretched arms create an amazing alien scene. In an interview with G1, a Brazilian news outlet, the photographer explained the process of taking the image. “It all worked out in the end, and I was able to take the much-needed picture,” he remarked, conveying the satisfaction that comes from completing a challenging task.

Sens has had a close photographic relationship with the Rio de Janeiro region since 2005. Over the course of nearly two decades, he has photographed both ordinary and extraordinary events. To achieve the proper alignment for this particular shot, his careful preparation and study of the moon’s trajectory were necessary. “I went early at the scheduled time,” he said, describing his experience with years of dedication and the accuracy of a great artist. All I had to do was set the tripod and wait for the moon to align.
In the realm of photography, the combination of artistic vision, technical proficiency, and the unpredictable nature of the subjects can result in works of art that captivate viewers all over the world. Leonardo Sens’ triumphant work, which shows Christ the Redeemer embracing the moon, is a testament to both his creative talent and the enduring attractiveness of the natural and man-made miracles that surround us. It serves as a reminder that, with dedication, persistence, and the assistance of a visionary, even the most elusive and breathtaking moments can be frozen in time for all eternity.