Chinese farmer Shimoda discovered serenity in the countryside, or on his farm. He heard strange noises coming from a bush while going about his everyday business. Uncertain of what to anticipate, he proceeded cautiously and got close to the brush to make sure he understood the situation.
He dispersed the grass and twigs with his hands as he got to the large bush and noticed something amazing. Little beings clustered together like newborn puppies. Shimoda is certain that these are the puppies of one of his hunting dogs since he has plenty of them on his farm.
The man realized their mother was nowhere to be found, but he gave up trying to hide there in the hopes that she would show up soon. Their mother had not arrived and was still not with them a few hours later. Subsequently, the man realized he needed to act and helped the small puppies reach safety.
After a few weeks, the puppies had grown and no longer resembled dogs in terms of looks. Their muzzles had nothing in common with a dog’s muzzle.
The farmer came to the surprising conclusion that, rather than finding dogs on his property, he had discovered rabbits when the young puppies eventually came to know themselves!