Found this tool, 8-10 inches in length, iron or steel end, overall height is 3 or so feet. It was sitting outside where I was doing yardwork. What’s this?

Connecting Through Physical Labor
Beyond its utilitarian function, the manual edger fosters a deeper connection with the physical act of improving one’s home. The sweat on the brow and the dirt under the fingernails become badges of honor, narrating stories of personal dedication and care invested in the land.An Oasis of Mindfulness

Amidst a society craving mindfulness and respite from digital saturation, the manual edger offers an escape. It provides an opportunity to disconnect, revel in the outdoors, and engage with the environment in a productive and rejuvenating manner. Its rhythmic motion becomes a therapeutic exercise, allowing thoughts to flow freely as the blade glides through the soil.

Sustainability in Action
The environmental impact of the manual edger is profound. Unlike its gas or electric counterparts, it produces zero emissions, operates quietly, and relies solely on human energy, making it a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious homeowners. An Enduring Testament Constructed to withstand the test of time, manual edgers can last for decades, often surpassing their modern equivalents in longevity. Far from being disposable, they are enduring tools capable of being sharpened, maintained, and passed down through generations.

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