A Brazilian couple has spent the last 20 years turning a run-down ranch into an exquisite animal sanctuary. When they bought the land in 1994, well-known photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado were appalled by the damage caused by industrial farming and deforestation.
Determined to make a difference, the two started replanting the land with trees and vegetation that were native to the area. Eventually, their efforts have paid off. Now teeming with life, the once barren land has seen the planting of almost 2 million trees and the restoration of thousands of species.
Because the regenerated forest acts as a carbon sink, the couple’s project, Instituto Terra, has not only helped to restore the local ecology but also improved the climate. Reforestation has also created jobs for the local population and acted as an example of sustainable development.
Sebastião’s recognition for his work has won the Salgados international recognition, as evidenced by his receipt of the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award in 1998 and the Right Livelihood Award in 2019. Their story has inspired people all throughout the world to take action in favor of environmental preservation and the development of a sustainable future.
People are resourceful and persistent, as demonstrated by the couple’s dedication to fixing the property. They have shown by their efforts that even the most degraded landscapes can be transformed back into healthy ecosystems with the right tools and commitment.

Author: awestories24.com