His motionless little body broke the parents’ hearts, but they never stopped fighting for his life.

Kate and David held him close to their skin as they crawled into the bed beside their son singing sweet lullaby to him as they told him how much they loved him.
Jamie would leave out a little gasp every now and again, but this parents were told it was just his reflexes and don’t get their hopes up for any miracle.
However thats exactly what happened……a miracle. It seemed the skin-to-skin contact caused Jamie to start breathing on his own. He was alive!

Doctors were absolutely shocked but the parents knew their love was so strong that it helped their little one live.
David said, “Luckily I’ve got a very strong, very smart wife. She instinctively did what she did. If she hadn’t done that, Jamie probably wouldn’t be here.”
The happy parents were able to leave the hospital they way it should always be, with their both children in their arms.
Nine years later, Emily and Jamie are perfectly healthy children. Doctors were afraid Jamie’s life could be affected because of what happened but they were wrong.
Take a look at the miraculous story in the video below.