You can tell a man’s wife is unhappy if you can show me he controls her appearance.
For years, Charlotte Guttenberg had fantasized about getting tattooed. However, her husband forbade it. He already has a preconceived notion of “what a woman should look like,” and Charlotte obeyed him because she wanted to be a good wife.
“I’ve always wanted to get body art. My husband forbade me from getting tattoos. His entire strategy was to ensure that no woman got a tattoo. But I still wanted one,” Charlotte retorted.
But when her husband died ten years ago, Charlotte knew exactly what she wanted to do.
As Charlotte says of getting her first tattoo, “That was a life-defining step for me.”I have tattoos that each have a special meaning for me. They all come together to form a story.

The Guinness World Record for the senior woman with the most tattoos is presently held by Charlotte. Age-wise, she is 67. Over 92% of her body is covered. While getting her tattoos done, Charlotte met Charles Helmke, the man she would eventually marry. Helmke currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most tattoos for a senior male. It’s a coupling made in heaven!
Continue reading to learn what they look like!