taking preventative action
To keep ticks from sticking to you, make sure your skin is covered by long sleeves and gloves.
Verify that everything is tidy.
Be sure to thoroughly wash any clothing or bedding that the tick may have come into contact with. Turn the heat up to high. Vacuum the area, being especially careful to get into the nooks and crannies.
Removal of ticks
Remove the tick as near to the skin’s surface as possible with fine-tipped tweezers. As you carefully draw upward, be careful not to twist or move to avoid snapping off the tick’s head and allowing it to remain in your skin.
After removal, clean any bite sites with alcohol or soapy water. You can use alcohol to get rid of the tick or flush it down the toilet.
Pay attention to what you bite.
It’s a good idea to watch for symptoms on the person who was bitten as well as at any bite sites you find.
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