For a total of two and a half months, Tomm alternated between tests and analysis. Since he was the first baby to be born with so much additional skin, it was challenging to determine the underlying cause of his condition.
For the Tennent family, it was challenging to go from test to test. Even while no parent wants to subject their newborn to ongoing testing after delivery, they recognized that doing so was in the child’s best interest as well as the benefit of other families who could have the same problem in the future.
They made sure Tomm felt the same way the other children did.

When medical professionals had tried everything to figure out what was wrong with Tomm, they had finally found something unexpected. When Tomm’s similarity to the Shar Pei dog breed was noticed, it had some unexpected outcomes.
Tomm and Shar Pei puppies have 100 times the normal amount of hyaluronic acid in their skin, according to studies.
As Shar Pei puppies mature, their skin appears normal due to a drop in hyaluronic acid levels. Doctors prayed and hoped that Tomm was one of such individuals.

Tomm’s doctor, Dr. Andrew Ramsden, said that as he grew older, the sickness will probably go away. Thankfully, he was right.
Tomm had a lot of challenges growing up, especially when he started school. A few children made fun of him and wouldn’t let him play. But Tomm wasn’t put off by his uniqueness.
Tomm integrated himself fully into his school and made friends fast. His appearance was strange, but not nearly as bad as it had been at birth.

In 2003, they asked Tomm if he was worried about how his friends saw him. Tomm answered, “Not really… since they are my friends and they don’t really care how I look.”
Furthermore, Tomm told 60 Minutes that when he looked in the mirror, he saw “a kind loving person.”
“Sometimes people tell me I look cool, really cool sometimes, and other times they say nothing at all.”
Tomm’s parents were immensely proud of their special boy and the man he turned out to be.

“He’s a good boy,” yet all he has achieved is what his father said: “He is doing well in everything, including school.”
His parents have always made sure that he will develop into a regular child and that having too much skin will not take away from inner attractiveness.
Present-day Tomm Tennent
28 years ago was the birth year of the peculiar boy that amazed doctors. People were interested in Tomm’s current look after hundreds of testing and multiple films.
Despite his lack of social media activity, Tomm appears to be contentedly wedded to Hannah, his wife, and their love. They seem to live in Frankston, which is a suburb of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia.

“Life is simple. “You make choices, and you don’t look back,” is a quote from Tomm’s Facebook page that encapsulates his entire outlook on life.
It’s comforting to see Tomm still sporting that wonderful smile from twenty years ago.
Tomm’s story is incredibly inspiring! I am so delighted to see that despite all of his shortcomings as a child, he grew up to be a happy and fulfilled adult.
When they asked him what feature of himself he would change, he said, “Probably nothing.” That’s the way it should be for all of us, don’t you think?
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