When someone wrongs you, the thought of getting a little revenge probably crosses your mind. It’s a natural reaction, though not always the wisest choice.
Revenge, while satisfying, can be risky if it backfires or lands you in trouble. That’s why it’s sometimes better to take pleasure in hearing about others who got their sweet, sweet revenge.
The stories of revenge we’ve gathered here are among the most intriguing we could find. These folks didn’t hold back, allowing us to enjoy their tales of comeuppance vicariously.
Park Illegally? I’ll Get You Towed
“Yesterday I went to Walmart to return faulty ink cartridges (and also because it came with two black inks instead of black, red, yellow, and blue). I saw some jerk double-park his giant truck illegally in the handicapped spots without a blue placard, and another car parked in the no-parking area.
I have a disability, but unless I have a severe MS flare, I can walk, so I don’t usually park in the handicapped spots. This week, it was probably the third time I’d been to that area.
Author: awestories24.com