If you’re searching for an amazing transformation tale, look no further. Meet the young Austrian woman who is the star of our feature story; she has taken the desire for a doll-like appearance to a whole new level. This woman, known on social media as “Barbie,” has already shelled out an incredible $48,000 for cosmetic procedures, and she’s not done yet!

Barbie set out to create her current look when she was just eighteen years old. Since then, she has undergone a wide variety of cosmetic treatments. With between 50 and 60 lip injections under her belt—or, maybe more properly, under her lips—she is undoubtedly a filler enthusiast.

However, Barbie was not always the epitome of a living doll. Before her transformation, she had a more gothic aspect. Many “before” photos of her can be found online, showcasing her many piercings, thick eyeliner, and noticeably thinner lips. In essence, it’s a case study of the “Plastic Princess” became “Goth Queen” transition.

Her appearances today and in the past change from one another so dramatically that one almost has to wonder why. Barbie says she’s “completely dependent on Botox and fillers.” Her goal was to become an actual doll. After all, that is the objective.

Author: awestories24.com