I have quite a serious phobia of water—I mean oceans, seas, big bodies of water—and drowning in general. I remember when I first went to the sea with my family; I was around 13 or 14 years old. As I waded into the water with my mother, the moment the water touched my face, I started grabbing her arms so hard that I scratched her. I thought I was drowning, even though my head was literally above the surface. The ocean is unpredictable, isn’t it? That’s what scares me—its strength. One moment you’re near the shore, chilling in the water, and the next, the waves pull you further and further out, and suddenly you’re panicking. And I don’t know how to swim! So, for those who can’t swim, please be extra careful.

I’m trying to learn as much as I can about the ocean and seas in general—anything that is important for our safety. For example, did you know what a purple flag means at the beach? Well, neither did I, but it turns out it’s quite important. And then again, my friend was at the beach, and she told me she saw a really weird thing. She noticed that in one spot in the water, there were no waves, just in that one spot. When she told me about it, of course, I freaked out. It was something I had no idea about, so I decided to learn more about it.
Author: awestories24.com