My mistress left, understandably irritated, when I reluctantly told her that today was definitely not the day for our adventures.
I ended up getting into some trouble and smashing the car’s two mirrors out of irritation and disappointment. I decided to check up on him the next morning with a sly smile, prepared to make jokes about his car without a mirror. He was not amused at all, much to my surprise.
“What’s up, you seem really disturbed?” Playing the ignorant, I asked.
His response, which was abrupt and weighty, was, “How could I not be? Your wife returned the car without the mirrors after I lent it to her yesterday.
And here’s another joke to keep you laughing:
“Daddy, I’d like to get married.”
“To start, I apologize!”
However, why?
Please accept my apologies!
For what purpose? What action did I take?
“You must say you’re sorry!”
“But why?”
“I apologized,” I said.
“Please just tell me why!!!”
“First, I’m sorry.”
“All right, dad… I apologize!
“Just right, you’re all set! The training you received is now complete. You can marry when you have the ability to apologize without cause.
It’s true that laughter is a lovely diversion from the everyday grind. Recall that a day void of laughing is a wasted day. Keep checking back for your daily fix of humor!