1. Trench Lighter
I’ve got one from my father. The original version was often made from spent rounds. You can use the cartridge and make a few modifications to create a lighter. I had a twenty-caliber case with an old threepenny coin soldered in the base, and that too was a lighter.
2. Army Lighter
It’s designed to light in the wind while covering the flame, so you wouldn’t get your face shot off.
3. Replica Lighter
It is a lighter, though it’s likely a replica.
4. Miniature Nuclear Bomb
It’s a hand grenade. DON’T pull the pin!!
5. Austrian IMCO Lighter
This looks like a copy of an Austrian 1920s IMCO windproof lighter.
6. Treadle Sewing Machine Bobbin
It resembles a bobbin for an old treadle sewing machine.
7. Brass Lighter
It’s a lighter, and I’ve got one made of brass.
8. Windless Lighter
This is a windless lighter. It’s hard to find parts for it, but it’s well worth the effort to make it work. Awesome find!
9. Miniature German Hand Grenade
Trained suicide ferrets used this in WWI. They ran up your pants leg and detonated it at a critical junction, thus damaging many Privates’ privates.
10. Military Torchlight