The tacit approach, huh. Everyone has ever looked down at their phone and wondered how something could have gone wrong. The texting and calling stops, leaving you in a perplexing solitude. But don’t be alarmed! There are several possible reasons for his digital absence, some of which I shall explain to you here.
He’s Captured by His Own World
Let’s start by lending a couple guys some assistance. It’s possible that his mind is elsewhere, racing like a hamster on a wheel. Someone may become extremely quiet about concerns pertaining to their job, family, or personal life. The worst scenario is that he may be reluctant to open up to you about his emotional difficulties. Guys, are I right?

The Wandering Eye
Gentlemen are not unaware of distractions. If he stops messaging you or calling, it’s possible that he’s moved on to someone else. If he meets someone who is good at such things, he might just walk away because a lot of guys are attracted to people who treat them with care and attention.
Author: awestories24.com