After a humiliating fall last year, she mentioned that the memorable incident has influenced her future.

Reflecting on it, she said: “My eldest daughter was watching the sports day alongside myself and some other friends who are also mothers from the school.”
“When the school staff mentioned a parents’ race over the loudspeaker, my oldest daughter, Tegan, encouraged me by saying, ‘Go on, Mum! You always did it for me.’”
Katie continued, “As soon as they called for parents to participate, my youngest, Beau, who was on the other side of the field, kept urging me, ‘Come on, Mum, do it!’”
It will be a memorable online moment for years to come.
Katie continued, saying: “Another mother and I agreed to join in. Although I was apprehensive, I thought, ‘Oh well, it’s just a bit of fun, why not?’”
It’s interesting how a tiny choice can shape your future in ways you never thought possible.
She expressed disbelief over what had occurred. Following that, she mentioned:
I chose to post the video in a parenting community to bring some joy to other parents because, honestly, it could have happened to anyone, and we all need a good chuckle every now and then.
“From that point on, the video started getting shared thousands of times, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all the notifications pouring in. But each time, it just brought a smile to my face.”
Parents often enjoy embarrassing their children, but she seems to be handling her own embarrassment well. She mentioned that lots of teachers and parents praised her for being a good sport during the school run. She is also glad to mention that her daughter currently goes to another school and nobody knows about it.
The main question is, if she had the chance to join sports day again, would she? No, that is not the correct answer.
She said: “No, I haven’t, and I’ve promised my daughters that I will never partake in another ‘parents race’ ever again.”
“There was a recent parents’ dance at my daughter’s dance competition. When they announced it, my girls looked at me and said, ‘No, Mum.’”